The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War

By Conrad Black

The most immense and dangerous public scandal in American history is finally cracking open like a ripe pomegranate. The broad swath of the Trump-hating media that has participated in what has amounted to an unconstitutional attempt to overthrow the government are reduced to reporting the events and revelations of the scandal in which they have been complicit, in a po-faced ho-hum manner to impart to the misinformed public that this is as routine as stock market fluctuations or the burning of an American flag in Tehran.

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The Left’s Strange Morality and The Problem of Scientism


By Karl Notturno

Even in a time of unbounded technology, feel-good utilitarianism has its limits.

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Democratic Party Controlled House and Senate Pass Taxpayer Funding for Abortion


By Pravda Gladio 

For the first time in Maine, on May 16, Democrats controlling both the House and Senate in Augusta have passed taxpayer-supported abortion services under LD 820.

Many Mainers who objected to the use of taxpayer dollars for abortion attended the Committee Hearings in April and gave testimony.  Mainers testified that they did not want their tax dollars being used to fund abortion, which is an elective procedure 99% of the time.

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Let's Get Back to Work Cautiously


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Just CAZ


(Critter Autonomous Zone)

Seattle might have its neo-anarchist/hipster/summer of love/ Capitol Hill Occupy Protest (CHOP), but it pales in police-free borderless entertainment value to the Critter Autonomous Zone in Cooper and Cathance Township.

The Raven Raucous Caucus

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2nd CD, RCV and Me


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Freedom Studies - Imagine a Revolution

In late March as the corona lockdowns and legislative abdications to “science” directed Democratic anti-Trump governors commenced, “Wonder Woman” actress Gal Gadot organized a group of international left-wing celebrities to sing a socially-distanced cover of John Lennon’s 1971 “Imagine.” In Lennon’s socialist dream, utopian religion, countries, borders, war, private property, capitalism, greed, and hunger would all disappear.



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Freedom Studies - Cancel Culture Karma


By Jonathan Reisman

As a long-time supporter of the First Amendment and the value of free and open inquiry, leftists cancel culture efforts to silence, deplatform, censor and otherwise stifle speakers and viewpoints they disagree with has angered and repelled me. As a young professor, I naively believed the academy shared those sentiments, but I have been disabused of that notion over the last 20 years.

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Freedom Studies - School Daze


By Jonathan Reisman

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‘The Chosen’ Follows Life of Jesus


Jordan Donovan

The Chosen is a first-of-its-kind, multi-season television drama following the life of Jesus depicted through the eyes of his followers and those with whom he interacted. Fabricated, directed and co-written by American filmmaker Dallas Jenkins, it broke the all-time crowdfunding record for a media project, reaching  $10 million from over 16,000 investors for the first season alone. The second season that is still in production has fundraised over $7 million from more than 365,000 investors. 

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