Second Amendment Notes
Jon Reisman
As the summer started, a complex melody of second Amendment notes was played.
• Blues - In the wake of Uvalde, the Senate is poised to pass a bi-partisan package of mental health, juvenile background checks and federal subsidies to encourage state red flag laws. The modest package will allegedly protect due process and punish false accusers. I have my doubts, based on the record of unequal justice we have seen over the past 5 years, where leftists commit perjury (Brennan and Tapper), riots and arson (Black Lives Matter. Antifa) and lie to the FISA courts (the FBI) without penalty, while January 6th protestors rot in a DC hell hole jail and the Democrats put on a show trial and The Department of Justice targets parents objecting to the indoctrination of their children with critical race theory and woke gender identity grooming as domestic terrorists/extremists. 10 Republicans, including Senator Collins, said this was a good thing. Four are retiring, and the other six are not up for re-election.
• Sousa March - Justice Thomas delivers a marvelous 6-3 SCOTUS opinion striking down New York’s Conceal Carry Permit Restrictions as a violation of BOTH the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection guaranteed. The peasants have a right to self-defense, and the elites cannot deny them that right just because they say the peasants have no demonstrated need to defend themselves. Keith Olberman on the left seditiously tweeted for ending the Court, and New York’s Governor/Empress Kathy Hochul vowed to call the legislature back in special session to craft a statute that exempts New York from the US Constitution. I hope the supply chain problems and inflation make popcorn too expensive or even unavailable, because the leftist freak out is better than a Netflix subscription, even with the insufferable Obamas booted.
• Equity Discordance - I came across the following graphs, which have the potential to drive the blood pressure of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Gun Grabbing leftists to dangerous levels.
But never mind. The corporate media narrative says gun violence and mass shootings are a consequence of white supremacist gun culture, not gangs, drugs, fatherless families and failure to enforce the laws we already have. Pay no attention to the weekly carnage in Chicago. Black Lives Matter, Mayor Lightfoot and President Brandon don’t, so why should anyone else?
Effective September 1 2022, Jon Reisman is retiring from the University of Maine at Machias after 38 years. Mr. Reisman’s views are his own and he welcomes comments as letters to the editor here, or to him directly via email at [email protected].